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Complete, integrated solutions

Whether your site runs purely on renewable energy sources, or is a hybrid of renewable and mains and/or diesel - Eltek can offer flexible solutions that contribute to saving energy, diesel and money.


A hybrid solution incorporates numerous energy input sources, such as diesel generators, solar panels, mains or wind turbines.

An Eltek hybrid solution allows you to optimize the operation of the site, to achieve maximum efficiency at all times. The monitoring and control functions include advanced battery monitoring routines, gen-set optimization programs, fuel level and consumption measurements and extensive data logging functions.

Through its global organization Eltek can provide turnkey solutions from site surveys, construction, equipment package, installation, commissioning, preventive maintenance and service.


The Flatpack2 HE Solar and Flatpack2 HE Wind are ideal choices for telecom sites where solar or wind energy are the only available sources. At the core of the solution are the Flatpack2 HE Solar Charger and the Flatpack2 HE Wind Charger. With optimal power draw and 96.5% conversion efficiency, they ensure nearly complete utilization of the energy generated by the PV panels and the wind turbines.


A cyclic operation setup can more than double kilowatt-hours per liter of fuel compared to constant generator operation. The Smartpack controller will record and analyze critical system parameters and control the generator to ensure a maximum kWh output per liter diesel consumed. The OPEX savings add up to more than reduced diesel costs: there will be less transport, longer intervals between site service visits and a longer generator lifetime.

dez 17, 2015
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